Yasir Arafat, The Political Player: A Mixed Legacy

by Mamdouh Nofal on 01/03/2006

Part analysis, part first-hand account, this assessment of Yasir Arafat’s leadership of the Palestinian movement emphasizes the dual nature of his persona: guerilla fighter and political pragmatist. With anecdotes drawn from his close association with Arafat dating back to the 1968 Battle of Karameh, the author attempts to untangle the Palestinian leader’s mixed legacy over […]

The Predicament of Abu Mazen

by Mamdouh Nofal on 02/05/2005

Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) finds himself stuck between the modest and fair Palestinians demands and U.S.-supported Israeli rejection once again; exactly as happened in 2003 when he headed the first Palestinian government. After Arafat’s passing, Sharon welcomed the election of Abbas as president of the Palestinian Authority (PA). At the time, the optimists on the […]

Sharon’s Plan And The American Elections

by Mamdouh Nofal on 14/06/2004

Sharon’s disengagement plan had many international and regional corollaries that will leave fingerprints on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the situation in the region. This plan agitated the Israeli political regime and affected Sharon’s political and moral standing; as he is paying for the price of disregarding his Party and his allies before going to Washington […]

What To Do After Bush Announced The Death Peace Process?

by Mamdouh Nofal on 28/04/2004

The joint press conference held by the U.S. President Bush with the Israeli Prime Minister Sharon on April 14 generated a storm of reactions on the regional and international political scenes. Bush’s official statement was characterized by honesty and clarity. Bush declared an unprecedented new American position toward the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. It went beyond the […]