It Is In The National Interest To Give Abbas A Chance (2/2)

by Mamdouh Nofal on 21/07/2003

They are doing everything they can to blackmail Abbas and his ministers. They deliberately embarrass and weaken them at all levels. The many political and security meetings that were held between the Palestinians and the Israelis revealed that Ariel Sharon and his ministers refuse to commit themselves to end the assassinations, arrests and storming the […]

Cease-Fire Only A Stage In Roadmap

by Mamdouh Nofal on 26/06/2003

Both the Aqaba and Sharm Al-Sheikh summits were incentives to boost the political movement toward the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict according to the vision suggested by Bush one year ago and drafted by the international Quartet, to become what is called the Roadmap. Palestinian-Israeli meetings, which had been frozen by the Sharon government for […]

Bush Indifferent To Full Roadmap Implementation

by Mamdouh Nofal on 02/06/2003

As soon as the Israeli government announced its acceptance of the Roadmap, Ariel Sharon was showered with praise, and the Americans described the Israeli decision as a “significant step forward.” Moreover, the U.S. administration decided to send a team to coordinate the steps taken by the Israelis and Palestinians to implement the plan, while President […]